Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day Three

Day three is shaping up to be not that bad. Except for the 5 a.m. stomach cramps. Seriously I thought I was going to die. What is it with this diet. Dave made me cheat and drink milk because he thought that would help. I personally think it is because, to make up for the day before, I ate a TON of meat that night so I wouldn't feel all lifeless in the morning. I think I need to find a better balance of food, because whatever I'm doing sure makes for bad mornings. It also doesn't help that my daughter likes to wake up at 5 a.m ready for the day, no matter what time she goes to bed. Thank goodness for IPODs, seriously the kid loves them.

But after the weird horrible stomach ache went away I have been fine all day. I did watch the movie, "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs," which made me really hungry. What is it about TV, I am totally influenced by all ads about food now and its only been what 3 days.

I think that the only way to not crave things on this diet is to keep busy doing other things. Today we went swimming at the motel 8 swimming pool where the MTC has put Dave's parents because they are renovating the senior MTC. Score for us. The pool was pretty old and so was the hot tub, but Summer LOVED it and so did Jace. We'll have to take advantage of it a few more times before Dave's parents leave to Denmark.

Away here is my menu for the day. It wasn't exciting. I had big plans but those didn't happen because of the swimming and then getting ready to do a craft night with 13, 12 year olds.

Breakfast - Eggs with Lemon pepper and I know I had something else with it but being that its almost midnight I really can not remember.

Lunch - A giant salad, with the leftover shredded beef from last nights dinner. I'm really hoping it doesn't affect me the way it did this morning. I put the cilantro dressing on from yesterday and it was pretty good.

Dinner - Cottage cheese (which I'm confused whether or not is on the diet, on some websites it is, some it isn't) with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. Brown rice with butter and salt which I had after the youth activity. Brown rice is also on the fence but I'm going to keep having it. It was really good. I rarely eat brown rice, mainly because I have a ton of white rice stored, but brown rice is really really yummy.

Snacks - some green apple slices, boring old almonds

Today my friend texted me who is doing this diet with me, and said, "what the heck do you eat for snacks." Ahh isn't it nice to know someone else is in the same boat as you. I told her to go eat some celery. Doesn't that sound appetizing.

Doritos are sounding really good right now.


  1. I didn't know you were doing it w/a friend, but I'm glad to read that... I swear, everything is always a teensy bit easier when you know someone else is going through the exact same thing. Celery for snacks? Seriously? Bleh! The almonds sounded better, but really, I guess it's hard to OD on them:-)

  2. Haha, you tortured yourself with Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs?? You silly girl! LOL
