Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fourteen

Well I've totally been slacking on my posts, but I haven't been slacking on my diet except well for today because its Valentines Day.

Heres a quick update

Wed. - ate lots of leftovers from Tuesday, passed up sugar cookies with what looked like yummy frosting at a youth activity that night. That took some serious self control.

Thursday - went out with the girls and passed up pizza factory bread sticks. Seriously isn't that why anyone even goes to Pizza Factory. I had the salad bar. I've been making my own salad dressing at home but didn't bring any so I had to use theirs. I had a stomach ache that night. Makes you wonder what goes into non homemade salad dressing.

Friday - really boring day, had a grapefruit and peas for lunch, so I was starving by dinner. We went out with some friends for dinner and combined babysitters. It was great. One babysitter for all our kids, a destroyed house, but very happy wives, since both of us are doing this diet and neither of us had a decent lunch. We all order fillet mignon at Ruby River and it was delicious. I did have some cheese at dinner which is okay to have on the diet only if your system can handle it. I have pretty much had almost no cheese this entire diet but had a bunch with dinner. I ordered these tomatoes with parm. cheese on top. They were really good. I think I'll have to make them myself when I'm not on this dang diet. I'll be honest I also had some fries but I guess you can have potato every so often and again I haven't had it much so I had some.

Saturday - Kind of a boring food day - ate a giant salad from the MTC. Yep the MTC. My inlaws came over and they brought their lunch and somehow brought too much so I got an MTC salad. Apparently the senior missionaries can pretty much do whatever they want, come and go as they please. Its been really nice to see them so much while they have been here.

Sunday - I have been planning on cheating on Valentines day this whole time. So I had sugar cookies, this super yummy cinnamon cake, funeral potatoes, pretty much lots of stuff I shouldn't have. But I'm okay with it since I planned on it and I'll be starting again tomorrow.

But I haven't had any candy and passed up brownies at church today and the snickers bar that one of my girls brought. And weirdly I didn't even crave the brownies as they went around. That I think is a major break through. I really am just not craving the bad stuff anymore. Its liberating in a way.

Only problem is that all the leftovers are still in my fridge. I think our neighbors may be getting some pie and cake tomorrow!

2 more weeks to go, but really I think I might try to go longer but just slowly bring in some more types of food. I really feel a lot better.


  1. Way to go Lisa!!! You are my HERO. I knew you could do it!

  2. You are so AWESOME!!! I love that you are still going strong... you are SO inspiring!!
