BUT i did find some information on candida diet safe desserts (if you can call them that.) The only thing is that you pretty much have to buy all the ingredients at the health food store. And taking my kids into one of those stresses me out with their tiny aisles, and everything just in really close grabbing reach of little kids. And they all close early so its hard to make it into one. The other problem is that most of them contain some kind of flour, weird flour like rice flour, or oat flour or something. I'm trying to stay away from all flour for at least two weeks before I bring in the "weird" flours. Just because really any carbohydrate can feed the candida. I guess technically so can the brown rice I've been eating but its sort of on the fence.
So anyway I plan on making some rice flour brownies sometime in the near future. I'm not holding my breath though because alot of the recipes I have made on this diet have not turned out that great at all.
For instance today I made vegetable chips. They are a pain to make and require you to buy rutabagas, turnips, and other things that aren't really that appetizing. You basically slice them super thin, put ocean sea salt on them, let them sit, rinse them, dry them, bake them with a "safe" oil, and then salt them. The big problem was that my slices were not all perfect, some were way thicker that others, my food processor does not handle rutabagas very well apparently. Anyway so when I took them out of the oven the turnips were almost burned and the rutabagas were not even close to done. I tasted the turnips and let me say, they tasted very DIFFERENT. Not entirely bad. I guess if you had never tasted a decent potato chip in your life, you could handle these babies. But wow not my fav, I will not be making them again. But I will force myself to eat them because I did take the time to make them, and the money to buy them.
I did do something kind of awesome today. I made homemade chicken soup. Yesterday I put an entire chicken in the crockpot, then when it was done, deboned it, which was well more fun that I thought it would be, then I put the bones and skin back in the crock pot, threw in a few veggies and spices and made a second batch of chicken stock. So by this morning I had a whole bunch of chicken and two crock pots worth of chicken stock. I have never done this before. Apparently it is really healthy for you.
Then today for dinner I took half the chicken stock, added a bunch of veggies, spices, some brown rice from the other night, and made soup. It was really good actually. My kids both ate a whole bowl. And Dave who has been sick all week loved it. He seemed to get new energy just from eating my soup. I guess thats why they say chicken soup is so good for you.
So that was my day. I've had a few almonds here and there, some plain yogurt, cottage cheese, berries, and another green apple.
I in NO way feel satisfied. This evening I was craving something, and considering cheating at our neighbors super bowl party on sunday, but my sweet sister in law Courtney wrote me an email telling me she thought it was great what I was doing, and just getting that email made me reconsider and think, I really can do this. Seriously is a chip really going to control me. So thanks Courtney, it came just at the right time.
Anyway on to the weekend of parties. Baby shower, birthday party. I think I am for sure going to take a piece of cake home from the birthday party, freeze it, and have it in a month. I have tasted this type of birthday cake before and believe me it is worth saving a piece even for month!
Crock-pots are awesome. Best.Invention.Ever! Glad everyone liked your soup! :)