Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day Nine

Wow I can't believe I have been doing this for nine whole days. I still have not made it to the health food store, which I really would like to do. I think a whole new world of food will open up for me.

Today I kind of skipped breakfast. Jace's therapist was coming over at nine and the stairs really needed a vacuum much more than I needed breakfast. Part of his therapy is done on the stairs, so anyway had to have them clean.

After she left I had about 20 minutes to get ready for Summer's dance class, which means packing her and Jace some lunch, packing her preschool outfit, and a bunch of toys to keep Jace busy while Summer is dancing. Never works, he would much rather crawl towards the stairs than play with anything I bring along.

So I grabbed a green apple and ate that at about 11:30 at dance class. Not the greatest breakfast, but green apples are okay on the diet so I guess I started out well.

After dropping off Summer at preschool, I stopped in at my parents, and my Dad just happened to be grilling totally diet safe delicious chicken. Leave it to my Dad to grill up a load of meat in the winter. So that made for a great late lunch.

We took the kids to Costa Vida for dinner because we were at the doctor forever getting Summer's ear checked and H1N1 shots. It was just too late to make something and Summer was begging to go and get a taurtita (tortilla). She was amazing at the doctors office and since she got a shot we figured why not let her. They have a cute little playland there too.

I had a chicken salad and just didn't eat the tortilla since that is definitely NOT on the diet. That was tough because their tortillas are really yummy.

My slip ups today were a couple of Summer's pretzels while waiting for a HALF HOUR, maybe longer in the doctors office. It was way past dinner time in the after hours clinic, and I was REALLY hungry.

Really tomorrow I'm not slipping up one time. I resisted cake all weekend for crying out loud, why should a pretzel be too much for me.

Anyway can I just say that I really MISS cheese.

P.S. I have not been using organic spices in my recipes. Who can afford to go out and buy all new spices, or even worse, am I just suppose to throw all the old ones away. No I think I will survive on my regular old walmart spices. I don't think they feed the yeast, I think the health food people just say that they are bad for you in general. Well I'm not doing a "bad for you in general diet." I'm doing the kill all the yeast in your body diet. So I think I'm okay!

1 comment:

  1. Um... in case you didn't know... you are AMAZING!!! I am so dang impressed that you are doing this, and sticking to it, and on day NINE for pity's sake!:-) WOW! I'm in awe of how disciplined you are... and how you are just going for it and DOING it!!! Yay, you! Anyhow, just thought you should know how inspiring you are and that YOU ROCK!!!
