Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well today was the day of parties. I had a baby shower and a birthday party. There was absolutely nothing I could eat at the baby shower, and I didn't eat anything. I'm pretty proud of myself. They had very yummy looking sugar cookies, yummy looking muffins, yummy looking all sorts of things. But I brought a water bottle along and so I "survived." Haha

On to the next party. They had a delicious looking chocolate cake. Seriously it was the most adorable thing ever. My sweet friend had a veggie platter there though so I snacked on that. It was really nice of her to have one, she really didn't need to, but it was nice to have something to snack on. And I was really good and didn't even taste the dip that went along with it.

For dinner we went to Burgers Supreme which is one of my favorite burger places. I had a burger wrapped in lettuce. They actually charge you .30 extra to have your burger that way. I thought that was crazy but oh well. It was really good, but hmm it really felt like something was missing.

I have to admit I ate two of Summer's fries. After a day of holding back I decided it wouldn't kill me to have two fries. But at the same time, kind of lame that I made it the whole day and then cheated over two fries.

I also bought some almond milk today. At first it was really almondy tasting to me, but after a few sips you really get used to it. I think it is actually pretty good. I don't know if I will buy it again, but for the time being it does the job. It is pretty much almonds mixed with water. I'm sure there is probably something else in there but thats the idea.

On the whole I think I did pretty good today!

1 comment:

  1. It kills me when I can't resist eating some of my kids' food too. It's so hard to diet when you have little kids!!!
